Friday July 26, 2013
I didn't notice when I checked in (in Saskatoon), but my boarding passes had different times then my e-ticket.
My flight from Saskatoon was at the same time, but flights from Minneapolis to Amsterdam was bumped and the flight from Amsterdam to Kyiv was at an entirely different time.
Saturday July 27, 2013
Normally I wouldn't be upset about this kind of delay, but I'm going to be tired after a 7 hour layover, and I have someone who is supposed to be waiting for me in Kyiv. Fortunately, Amsterdam airport is fairly large/nice, so I managed to make the time go by fairly quickly.
Just about to board the plane to Kyiv! Wooooohoooo!
7 hours in Amsterdam's airport wasn't all bad... Managed to find a restaurant that served fresh Heineken